World Peace Partners Committee
World Peace Partners is a standing committee of District 5550 that reports to the Board. Each of the programs are or will be guided by sub-committees that report to World Peace Partners.Six of our programs are youth programs or feature youth.Rotary Adventures in Global Citizenship Summer Institute delivered under the name "Emerging Issues in Human Rights UniverCity" to grade 12 graduates and university students at Global College of University of Winnipeg in early August for 10 days each year. This program began in 2011. Clubs can recruit and pay for a student or instead provide financial support for the the University of Winnipeg Foundation to provide Bursaries called Rotary District 5550 Peace Awards as bursaries for students selected by the University provided they successfully complete the course. If a club recruits a student details and way of registering and way of paying upon successful completion should be worked out with one of the Co-Chairs of WPP David G. Newman or Ken Krebs.Rotary Adventure in Human Rights is another summer program held in Winnipeg. It is for high school students entering grades 11 or 12 in the fall. This 7 day transformative education program includes 3 days at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights, a day at an immigrant and refugee centre and their neighbourhood of agencies, a day at Fort Whyte Alive, a tour of the Manitoba Legislative Building. Themes include Indigenous issues, gender equality, and democratic rights. Students stay in McFeetors Hall University residence. Tuition, accommodation and meals are included in the price paid by supporting Rotary Clubs. Travel to and from Winnipeg is not included. Co-Chairs are Irwin Kumka and Rob Tisdale.UNESCO Schools Cross-Borders for Peace Program involves middle schools across borders. We are looking for teachers and schools and Rotary Clubs in Saskatchewan and Ontario to collaborate with our UNESCO Associated Schools Network in Manitoba and with the Canadian Commission for UNESCO and USA UNESCO Commission and WPP and a Rotary Club in Winnipeg and one in Cleves Ohio. WPP facilitates this collaboration and is exploring spreading it worldwide based on lessons learned in our 3 year pilot ending June 30, 2017. Expressions of interest should be sent to Ken Krebs or David G. Newman Co-Chairs of WPP.Rotary Peace Centres and Peace Fellowship applications and Peace Fellow relationships are facilitated inspired and facilitated by WPP. We are also promoting the idea that there should be a Rotary Peace Centre in our District 5550. For further information contact Ken Krebs or David G. Newman or DGN Elaine Thompson.Peace Days is a 365 days a year commitment to the Purpose of advancing understanding, goodwill, peace and compassionate action. Means used must align with the Rotary 4-way test and the golden rule. Peace Days includes a Festival of Peace and Compassion in September each year. Peace Days originated in 2010 with a Peace Concert. It has grown to involve multiple venues and over 7500 directly involved impacted participants. Goal is to advance and measure Positive Peace in communities in our District starting with Winnipeg. We are collaborating with the Global Peace Index and Peg,a Winnipeg index, to measure outcomes. We invite any Rotary Club in the District that would like to be part of a similar commitment in their community to contact David G. Newman or Ken Krebs.In August of 2016 District 5550 through WPP entered into an MOU with the Province of Manitoba Department of Education, Training and Advanced Learning. Newman is the liaison with an ADM of the Department. It is a 3 year relationship. Goals are set out in an appendix to the MOU. The Goals involve an alliance with the department which can be simplified into the concept of improving peace literacy in K to 12 and beyond in ways we are invited to propose and discuss. Rotarians excited about this kind of opportunity from anywhere in the District are invited to contact David G. Newman or Ken Krebs.
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